Sunday, January 10, 2010

Shift Happens

As a teacher I will encourage technology to be taught in the classroom. I have plans on getting grants from both the state and federal government to receive computers and programs for the classroom. I feel it is crucial to teach students how to use computers and to keep up with the changing technology. Things change so fast and so often that it is easy to fall behind. I believe that students should be taught new technology every year in school.
This video opened my eyes to the rapid changing world of technology and how far behind the United States is compared to other countries. It is hard to picture where we will be 10 years from now, but at the rate the world is going we may be more like the Jetsons than we ever thought possible.

1 comment:

  1. Jaime,
    I likes your ideas for Jing. And especially using the picasa for students to download photos in a presentation. I really think that Jing will become successful for students in middle school & high school. And the younger generation today seem to learn fast when it comes to new technology.

